Sunday, December 13, 2009


What are the odds to winning a game of Solitaire?
I wonder, are there any chances that you just cant win and that you just WILL lose?

Ive pathetically thrown myself into a series of Solitaire.
I don’t get why Ive been on such a losing streak.

Is there really a possibility that it is sometimes designed in a way that you just cannot win?

Ive carefully observed and monitored my steps but end up losing either way.

Most of the time I end up realising that Ive made the wrong moves all before I realised again that Ive ruined the whole sequence, everything.

Solitaire has an undo button, reality doesnt.

Are there always winning chances in each hand that Ive yet to realise, or do we just keep losing until we win again.

I refuse to move on until i win that hand, or just keep losing again and again before stop, pause, open the page and try again.

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