Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Countdown of 3 days till the new year.
Did we really ever imagine we would end up here?

Ive been having moodswings (urgh benci),
Whereby I wake up in the morning feeling like a cripple and just lay in bed with my bed of thoughts and bury it all by sleeping again.
I usually enjoy waking up to the mornings. Nuuu.

The house gets quite-r these days, with more gloom growing.
Im still praying.

Next year brings plenty uncertainties.
Really, in every possible angle.

Sometimes I just have to realise that things are beyond my control and command.
Whatever happened this time around, wasn’t mine to choose.

Random piccas from here and there.

Fake tree at I-City at Klang,
Nice place leaving me with 5 mosquito bites that stayed on for 5 days (and counting).

The view from Nottingham's outdoor cafeteria.
I told you I LITERALLY see palm trees when I look around the campus.
Super opposite from the colleges here.
hmmm, somehow the picture here makes the view a little nicer.

Kay and I, the other day.


If people say that You made a purpose for everything to happen; for a reason,
Then I hope You didn’t forget me.

Did you all have a good year?

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